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Guide to Application for Restaurant Licences Application Methods and Prices

Restaurant Licences 食肆牌照 財富自由 財務自由 賺錢方法 高收入技能 生意買賣 生意頂讓 生意轉手 生意轉讓 發達方法 香港商機 香港搵錢方法 香港做生意 香港加盟 生意買賣頂手
One of the most crucial aspects of opening a food establishment in the food and beverage industry is obtaining the necessary licences. In this article, we will introduce the different types of Restaurant Licences, the application procedures, and important considerations during the renovation process.

Categories of Restaurant Licences

General Restaurant Licence

The licensee is allowed to cook and sell any type of food and is suitable for places that provide dine-in services, such as general restaurants, cafes, and cha chaan teng. It is also known as the "大牌"

Light Refreshment Restaurant Licence

The licensee is only allowed to use simple cooking methods that do not produce a large amount of oil fumes, such as boiling, stewing, steaming, braising, and pan-frying (excluding deep-frying and stir-frying), to cook and sell food. It is suitable for places that offer snacks, pastries, and light refreshments, such as dim sum restaurants and dessert shops.

Food Factory Licence

Applicable to factories that produce, package, and process food, such as bakeries and beverage production plants.

Factory Canteen Licence

Applicable to canteens within factories that provide food services for employees.


Specifications for Restaurant License Premises

The requirements for kitchen facilities differ for General Restaurant Licences and Light Refreshment Restaurant Licences. For a General Restaurant License, the kitchen must occupy 25% of the total floor area, with a minimum requirement of 8 square meters, for establishments with a floor area of 100 square meters or less. On the other hand, for a Light Refreshment Restaurant License, the kitchen must occupy a minimum of 4.5 square meters of the total floor area, for establishments with a floor area of 23 square meters or less.

Both General Restaurant Licences and Light Refreshment Restaurant Licences require a certain number of hygiene facilities, which depends on the number of customers and employees.


Food requiring additional licences

Liquor Licence

If you want to sell alcoholic beverages in a restaurant, you must apply for a liquor license. For detailed application information, please refer to the《A Guide to Application for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences

Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence

According to the regulations in Hong Kong, anyone intending to operate a Siu Mei and Lo Mei shop within a building in Hong Kong must apply for a Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence from the licensing authority before commencing business. As for licensed operators selling Siu Mei and Lo Mei in a restaurant located within a building, they only need to obtain approval from the licensing authority and have a remark on their license allowing the sale of these food items.

Restaurant Licences 酒牌 食肆牌照 財富自由 財務自由 賺錢方法 高收入技能 生意買賣 生意頂讓 生意轉手 生意轉讓 發達方法 香港商機 香港搵錢方法 香港做生意 香港加盟 生意買賣頂手
Remember to apply for a liquor license if you want to sell alcoholic beverages in a restaurant

Application Process for Restaurant Licences

The basic process for applying for a restaurant license is as follows:

  1. Establish a company and register an account: Firstly, you need to complete the company registration process and open a company account for future business transactions and financial operations.

  2. Choose a location: Determine a suitable location for your food establishment, considering factors such as the area, rent, and location. Ensure that the chosen location complies with relevant laws and regulations.

  3. Create renovation design plans: Hire a professional designer or renovation company to create renovation design plans that meet hygiene, safety, and functional requirements.

  4. Apply to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD): Submit an application to the FEHD based on the selected location and renovation design plans. The application form will require relevant company and location information.

  5. Conduct on-site inspections: The FEHD will conduct on-site inspections to verify the application information and ensure that the premises meet hygiene and safety requirements.

  6. Obtain "Notice of Conditions": If the on-site inspections are successful, the FEHD will issue a "Notice of Conditions" that outlines the conditions and requirements for obtaining the license.

  7. Proceed with actual renovation: Carry out the actual renovation work according to the requirements stated in the "Notice of Conditions," including interior renovations and equipment installations.

  8. Conduct inspections by relevant departments: After the renovation is completed, relevant departments such as the FEHD and Fire Services Department will conduct on-site inspections to ensure that your premises comply with hygiene, safety, and fire safety requirements.

  9. Obtain a fire certificate: If the inspection by the Fire Services Department is successful, you will receive a fire certificate, indicating that your premises meet fire safety standards.

  10. Obtain the official restaurant license: Once all relevant inspections have been completed and the fire certificate is obtained, you can apply for the official food establishment license from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

  11. Commence operations: Once you have obtained the official restaurant license, you can officially start operating your food establishment.


Costs of Restaurant Licences 2023

The cost for a General Restaurant License and a Light Refreshment Restaurant License is calculated based on the floor area.

For a General Restaurant License:

  • For restaurants with a floor area of 100 square meters or less up to 200 square meters, the annual license fee ranges from 2,520 to 4,410 Hong Kong dollars.

  • For restaurants with a floor area of over 200 square meters up to 500 square meters, the annual license fee ranges from 5,650 to 11,970 Hong Kong dollars.

  • For restaurants with a floor area of over 500 square meters, the annual license fee ranges from 13,860 to 125,840 Hong Kong dollars.

As for a Light Refreshment Restaurant License:

  • For restaurants with a floor area of 100 square meters or less, the annual license fee is 1,810 Hong Kong dollars.

  • For restaurants with a floor area of over 100 square meters up to 250 square meters, the annual license fee ranges from 2,270 to 4,070 Hong Kong dollars.

  • For restaurants with a floor area of over 250 square meters, the annual license fee ranges from 4,960 to 90,050 Hong Kong dollars.


Considerations for Renovating a Food Establishment

When creating renovation design plans, it is important to ensure that the design adheres to the specifications and requirements outlined in the application guide. For example, the size of the food preparation area should meet the minimum area requirement, the location should be away from restrooms or sewage pits, and the sanitary facilities should comply with regulations regarding the number of staff and customers. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that the food preparation area is equipped with sufficient handwashing and dishwashing facilities, as well as refrigeration equipment.

During the actual renovation process, attention should also be paid to aspects such as ceiling height, fire exits, and the proper disposal of food and waste water to comply with relevant regulations. It is crucial to ensure that the renovation meets safety, hygiene, and fire safety.

Finding Professional Consultants or Renovation Companies

The process of applying for a license can be complex and cumbersome. If you want to open your shop easily and quickly, you may consider leasing a ready-to-operate premises, which eliminates the need for license applications and renovations. You can start operating immediately after taking over, or you can lightly renovate the premises to create a new shop! 👉🏻 Inquire now


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